Monday, February 15, 2010

How To Be Successful At Networking

As a member of the Texas Builder Marketing Group, I have found that networking has increased my business more than I can even begin to understand. Here are my secrets to success when interacting with my fellow peers in and out, of the Texas Builder Marketing Group:Be Interested
When you are at a networking event, or any other time for that matter, be genuinely interested in the person to whom you are talking with. This is the best way in the world to get someone’s attention. Don't be one of those people with wandering eyes looking for your next contact; connect deeply with the person in front of you. If you will do this one thing you will have better results than most of the people out there.

Be Interesting

Just as above, when you are doing the talking, it isn't about you; it is about the other person. You should not be trying to sell your wares at a networking event; you should be trying to build relationships. Talk about interesting things you have done. Are you a skydiver? Did you just get back from an amazing trip? Do you have an interesting hobby? Try to engage the other person on a personal level rather than a business level, once you have them interested in YOU, the business deals will come naturally.

Remember Names

It has been said that the sweetest sound to a person's ears is their own name. Learn it, use it, and remember it. The best way to remember someone’s name is to use it immediately. Once they have given you there name use it as often as possible in the next few sentences to cement it into your memory, and always ask for it again if you forget it.

Remember Dates

This is an important one; if at all possible find out people's birthdays. Put these dates on your calendar and when the day comes, call them or email them and wish them a Happy Birthday. Most of the time you will be one of the few that do that day, and if you call them early you might even be the first! If you want to go even further, send them a note or card a couple days before as that will even be more rare.

Always Remember

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

Jim White JR.
PremRock Drywall Services

(Photo by:

Friday, February 5, 2010

Green Green, Ain’t Going Away…

Yep, “green” is here to stay. In the home building industry, as any of in the others – clothing, groceries, manufacturing, etc. – “green” comes in varying “shades”. It’s critical for all of us in the Home Building Industry to qualify our customers and clients very early in the sales process. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a skilled trade’s person, supplier, distributor, designer, builder or realtor – all have to understand right away what the green level is of our customer.
After all, they are depending on us as industry professionals to know what their expectations are and then produce that product or service that meets that expectation. In all areas of the construction industry, there are many products that claim to be green that don’t really qualify. Since little has been established in the way of industry standards in many areas, the appliance industry is pretty straightforward.

The government initiated the Energy Star program back in 1992 for the home appliance industry. Those products that meet the ever increasing energy use goals, earn the energy star seal. That assures everyone that these products are among the most efficient available in terms of energy consumption. (Not all appliance categories are rated – ranges & ovens for example aren’t because the energy consumption difference is negligible across all the brands manufactured).

So, selecting the specific model of an appliance on a showroom floor and measuring the shade of it’s shade of green compared to others you’re considering is pretty easy. If your client is really serious about being a deep shade of green though, what about the manufacturer that produced that product? If it’s important to them, it should be important to you.

I’m proud to say that - Sub Zero/Wolf was green before “green was cool”! In fact, back in 2007 Sub Zero/ Wolf was ranked #6 in the world by the Image Power Green Brands Survey among the top ten green companies. We earned that rank for more reasons than I’ll go into here, but just a few are; all of our products are manufactured in the continental US (no big carbon foot print), we use recycled materials wherever possible (i.e. -in our stainless steel and all “plastics” products) going in and then recycle all the waste materials, we produce no waste water at the point of manufacture, and finally, we build a refrigeration product that’s engineered to preserve food longer – eliminating half of the annual food waste for the average American family!
So, understand the shade of green your customer is seeking, then match that up with your products and/or services. When you do that, you’ll enjoy more of the other green we’re all interested in – the greenback!

Larry Campbell
Sub Zero / Wolf
2615 E. Beltline
Carrollton, TX 75006

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is the first of the Texas Builder Marketing Groups Weekly blogs. I was given the honor of "Kicking off" this new addition to our overall mission "to provide information and education to North Texas Home Builders to improve the quality of their product and their bottom lines".

We will be publishing a weekly blog and will be rotating the author and content. So you will get 15 different blogs and then we will start the rotation all over again.

These are some of the brightest and most successful sales people in the industry, with products that are top tier. You are fortunate to be on the list.

This organization was started in April 2004 by Tom Sadler, Larry Campbell and myself. It has grown into a powerful force in the industry and our young "new additions" over the last few years have taken us to a new level.

I am sure you will enjoy the blogs that will be coming your way. Call any of us with questions or comments. 2009 was a tough year but 2010 has the earmarks of a much better one for our industry in North Texas.


Martin A. Brady, CLU, ChFC, MSFS
Financial Planner
Stevens Financial Group
15851 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1000
Addison, TX 75001
214-866-2118- Direct Line
972-499-1137- Fax

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Texas Builder Marketing Group gets educated on "The Social Media Revolution"

Times have changed and so has the way many of us are doing business! In mid December, the Texas Builder Marketing Group decided to organize an educational class to help each of its members become more versed in the social media world. Marc Kleinmann with was our guest speaker for the day, and man did he get us pumped up! He started the class with this video below found on YouTube!

Well, Marc went on to teach about many different topics but the one I found most important was about branding yourself! Branding yourself and your company on these Social Media Platforms like; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, etc. becomes a very effective way to market yourself to future customers. Now days, people turn to the computer to find products and services. What does that mean? Well if you or your company don't have a presence, than more than likely you will lose out to those who do! Lets face it, we Google, we facebook, why? Well we get instant answers at our fingertips. For example, if I was going to try out a new product, I would Google the company, read the reviews, ask my facebook friends and then I would make up my mind if this product is right for me. Remember, this all just happened with a few clicks of the mouse. Oh and don't forget I did all this without contacting anybody from this products company!!! Wow...crazy huh!
Business is changing and The Texas Builder Marketing Company is changing with it! So find our members on Facebook, youtube, LinkedIn, twitter and friends us! Networking has never been as easy as it is now!!
Wesley Scott
Archways And Ceilings Made Easy